Understanding Life
A Commonsense Guide to Reality
Practical philosophy is roughly the following:
How to think — what is real — how to live.
Why make it more complex?
Gain clarity per purpose and reality through well-categorized foundations that encourage discussions vs. the typical scatter gun approach.
But let’s be clear.
Simple answers are mostly for selling books.
Understanding Life knows that there is no one simple answer to life — but rather, there are many simple answers to life. A robust structure for these answers is a crucial goal to accomplish.
Readable. Concise. Useful. The core elements of reasoning, evolution, secularism/(non)theism, behaviour, motivation and purpose. Plenty of content accompanied by appropriate depth and clarity.
This is an invaluable resource for generating presentation topics and the eventual preparation of talks for same.
An honest no-silver-bullet approach to life.
To review each chapter's summary, go to:
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Table of Contents:
1. Thinking Well
2. Reasoning
3. Fallacies
4. Evolution Basics
5. Fossil Arguments
6. Island Arguments
7. Similarity Arguments
8. Evolution Evaluation
9. Supernatural Beliefs
10. Gap Arguments
11. Behavioural Arguments
12. Philosophical Arguments
13. Believing Well
14. Behaviour & Philosophy
15. Motivation
16. Emotions
17. Ethics
18. Purpose
19. Individuals
20. Groups
21. Eight Principles for Life
22. Living Well
References - by Topic & Chapter
Bibliography - by Author
8 Principles for Life
Maslow vs. Moses
The "workbook" for Understanding Life.
Accompanying questions for discussions and presentations.
Encouraging openness within a clean structure of thought.
... coming soon (hopefully).
Eight Principles . . .
FOUNDATIONAL: Truth - Environment
1. Freely embrace and distribute truth and knowledge.
2. Create a benefiting and sustainable environment.
SOCIAL: Reciprocity - Leadership - Democracy - Tolerance
3. Apply appropriate reciprocity of justice and compassion.
4. Develop and elect leaders of character and ability.
5. Build a responsible and informed democracy.
6. Encourage tolerance of differing opinions.
ENRICHMENT: Purpose - Beauty
7. Inspire life with meaning and purpose.
8. Search for beauty and wonderment.
Wouldn't these look great on stone tablets?